spell work

All posts tagged spell work


Published January 22, 2021 by Fia Naturie

Heat transmitted from candle | Heat | Physics - YouTube
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Blessing to you all. I wanted to talk about power and sources of power. In our metaphysics society we call on power to assist in numerous things.

Those of us who are sensitives and intuitive realize the power that is emanating all around us. Over my years I realize I have power days and numbers that rejuvenate me to the point I can not sleep. It feels as if something must be done today.

On these days I use them for manifesting and spell work. The power is almost like a shot of energy that is accumulated and wants to be disburse into the world.

Let me bring to the attention of the power around you and you may not realize due to the amount of electronics around.

At night when all is still and quiet. You sit still and you feel as if your vibrating or slightly moving. It is not vertigo. You spirit or aura is being attune to the environment. At times its as if it is being drawn outward. Trying to reach the power source .

You eyes dart to the door or the phone before the knock or ring. You know who it is not expecting anyone. That is an inherent power that is giving you a heads up on what to expect.

If you are not sure if you are in a power day for you, you can do a candle check.

Get a candle any size, light it and in a room where there is no draft place your hand above it. The flame will rise. Slowly move it to the side and the flame will follow. No some of you will read this and say it a spirit or something causing the flame to do it. Well you are right. It is your spirit and your power that is causing it to move.

In another blog we will get into what specifically you can do to assist you on your power day before manifesting and spell work.

I wish you all love and illumination.

Midnight Tarot

Published November 30, 2020 by Fia Naturie

Who is casting tonight? The cards reveal a desire that has been blocked in the past, it will not be an obstacle. There is strength in your conviction on what you want. Your path will open for a short period of time. It is up to your to make the choice to follow through.

Tomorrow is a full moon. How will you decide to spend the night?